You can find the definition to some terms that you are likely to hear below:
Endotracheal tube (ET tube) a breathing tube connected to a breathing machine that enters the body through the mouth
Tracheostomy either a surgery to create a hole in the neck where a breathing tube can be inserted OR the name of the breathing tube that enters the neck
Ventilator a breathing machine for patients who cannot breathe on their own. Ventilators are a form of life support
Mechanical Ventilation breathing performed by a ventilator/breathing machine.
Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation Needing a breathing machine for more than 2 or 3 weeks. When the medical team thinks a patient will need prolonged mechanical ventilation (a breathing machine for more than 2 or 3 weeks), they might recommend a tracheostomy.
Weaning weaning is the process by which the support from the breathing machine is slowly reduced so that the patient has to work more to breathe. Weaning is process that the medical team will use to get a patient off a breathing machine. Weaning can take only a few days or can take weeks to months.
DNR do-not-resuscitate. This means that if a patient’s heart stops, the medical team will not do CPR to restart their heart.
DNI do-not-intubate. This means that the medical team will not place a patient on a ventilator/breathing machine. DNI orders often accompanies a DNR order.
Long-Term Acute Care Hospital (LTACH) A LTACH is a type of long-term hospital that can provide a high-level of medical care and is often focused weaning patients off a breathing machine. They often have more capabilities on working with patients to get them off a breathing machine.
Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) A SNF is a type of long-term facility that can provide basic nursing services and a small amount of physical therapy when needed. Patients who are not able to come off a breathing machine may go to a SNF.