
Shared Decision Making for Left Ventricular Assist Devices (LVAD)

Tools to Help Your Programs, Your Patients, and You

This webinar is designed to support clinicians, including physicians, advanced practice providers, nurses, and social workers, in leading shared decision making conversations with patients and caregivers considering Left Ventricular Assist Devices (LVADs). In this webinar, you will gain concrete tools to improve patient-provider conversations, leading to better patient outcomes.

Educational Objectives

At the end of this presentation, the learner should be able to:

  • Recognize challenges in LVAD decision making
  • Identify gaps in shared decision making for LVADs
  • Assess classes of treatment decisions and shared decision making
  • Understand components of evidence-based shared decision making
  • Understand how to implement patient decision aids into practice

For Video Webinar, please watch video below
