Frequently Asked Questions For Implementation

IDECIDE: LVAD is flexible and designed to be adapted to best fit the structure of each individual program. It can be used as a self-directed resource for patients, viewed on their own time. Or, it can be a tool to help guide conversations or teaching. IDECIDE: LVAD fits seamlessly into already existing LVAD teaching sessions. In fact, clinicians have reported that it often saves them time with patients, leading to more direct, deeper conversations and accelerating teaching.

The first step to successful implementation is for a team champion (you!) to discuss IDECIDE: LVAD with the entire LVAD team to obtain buy-in. Once the team is on board, determine who will be the best person to provide the tool to patients. Often, this is the LVAD coordinator, who is likely already giving materials to patients and providing some education. How you use IDECIDE: LVAD will likely change over time as you learn what works best for your team.

IDECIDE: LVAD improves the decision-making process and decision quality for patients and their loved ones. If patients make more informed person-centered decisions, they are more likely to experience better outcomes. For those patients who are unsure about getting the device, allowing them to make an educated decision, even if it means declining the LVAD, will likely lead to better patient satisfaction and better care.

For programs interested in using IDECIDE: LVAD, we will provide 50 free copies to start. We also sell the materials at cost on our website, where they can be ordered in bulk. These packets come with a professionally printed brochure and DVD of the video, assembled together in a pocket folder. Please see contact information to order.

Many programs show the IDECIDE: LVAD video directly from our website using hospital computers or a patient’s own computer, tablet, or smartphone. If a hospital has a patient education channel, we will work with your institution to get the video uploaded to the channel for patient viewing. The DVD can also be used as a take-home resource for patients.

We allow programs to modify a cover page that  can include their logo and any program-specific information. Programs interested in modifying the materials must seek permission from us, including approval of any changes prior to use. Contact us if you’re if you’re interested in making modifications to the materials.

If you are looking to get permission to use our decision aids in your hospital or clinic please see our terms of use here.