Lung Cancer Screening

You may access the interactive e-Learning module platform for self-paced training on how to use this shared-decision aid.  The aid is also fairly self-explanatory, but the e-Learning module includes:

  • Supportive videos
  • Examples of how staff may introduce the aid to patients
  • How providers may use a motivational interviewing style to review this shared decision aid with patients
  • Resources for providers in terms of Lung Cancer Screening referral and follow-up steps


Online platform and step-by-step registration instructions:
1. Click on the “Register” link and a pop-up box will appear; enter your email address and set up your password.
2. Your registration code is: LungHealth (note: this is not case sensitive)
3. You will then be redirected to “My Account” page where you can access the e-Learning modules.


This decision aid was developed with funding from the National Cancer Institute (Colorado Implementation Science Center for Cancer Control and Prevention – PI Glasgow- 1 P50 CA244688-01). The decision aid was last updated 6/9/2023.


Supporting Evidence

Here is a document outlining all evidence for practice decision aids, to help you in your decision.

View Supporting Evidence